Sheer speed! Brother has introduced a new 5-axis model

VMC manufacturer Brother has introduced a new 5-axis model with a swivelling rotary table, the Speedio U500Xd1. Despite having a nominal footprint of just 1.5 x 2 metres, it is capable of multi-face machining of components up to 500 mm diameter by 270 mm high and weighing up to 100 kg.

Sole sales and service agent in Britain and Ireland, Whitehouse Machine Tools points out that there is little competition to the machine on the market in terms of its sheer speed of operation. Rapid traverse is 50 m/min in X:500 mm and Y:400 mm and even faster in Z:300 mm, which accelerates at 2.2 g up to 56 m/min. Chip-to-chip time is 1.3 sec, or faster still if a 14- or 21-tool magazine is fitted. Cutter exchange and axis motions take place simultaneously to minimise cycle times.

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