Raising the profile of manufacturing and inspiring ‘makers’ of tomorrow

Midlands based ‘Marvellous Manufacturing’ CEO Angela Lawlor travelled to Portsmouth in July to deliver two workshops created to inspire secondary school students into careers within the manufacturing industry.
The students had the opportunity to learn about Product and Packaging design and were set the task of creating a baked product and designing their packaging to appeal to their target market. They were then asked to plan out their marketing strategy and present their findings. This workshop was funded by Southern University Network (SUN).
‘Marvelous Manufacturing’ travels to primary and secondary schools all around the UK, to engage students and teachers alike with the world of marvellous British manufacturing.
Perhaps you are looking to invest in your local talent pool by targeting local primary, secondary and post-16 students?
If so ‘Marvelous Manufacturing’ create a bespoke workshop and deliver it on behalf of your company providing effortless investment in your local area whilst raising the profile of your business! It’s a no brainer really.