Improved additive manufacturing efficiency from Renishaw

To help manufacturers improve production efficiency and monitor their additive manufacturing (AM) performance in real-time, Renishaw has issued an update to its Renishaw Central manufacturing data platform. Using feedback from sensors fitted to AM systems, the software gathers and displays machine process data from across production facilities, including AM systems. This capability means users can track machine status and what jobs have been executed, as well as pinpoint errors and act on them before they impact process efficiency.

Using Renishaw Central, manufacturers can now capture data throughout the AM process chain, and view machine and process analytics in real-time. The software displays several parameters including build traffic, job progress and recent build history. Users can also sort and select jobs based on name, the number of runs passed, the number of fails and other parameters. If the machine sensors detect a problem, it will feed this back to the platform and Renishaw Central will display an error message informing the user. Then, an operator can be deployed to fix the problem.

Renishaw Central can also provide manufacturers with access to time series data, environmental insights and the results of any process changes. By capturing this data and comparing it over different periods, users can optimise production by introducing process changes based on prior performance.

“Unlike milling or machining, the AM process involves putting materials through phase changes, so manufacturers must keep a close eye on build performance to avoid any anomalies,” explains Ben Diaz, Senior Product Manager at Renishaw. “Renishaw Central enables operators to connect multiple systems with one manufacturing data platform, improving communication across the shop floor. The platform streams data seamlessly, enabling users to see real-time data from AM systems, CNC machines and other systems at a glance, as well as receive live machine and data analytics that can inform predictive maintenance.”

The latest Renishaw Central update supports Renishaw’s existing Additive Manufacturing Process Monitoring (AMPM) solution, which consists of three visualisation software tools. These tools include InfiniAM Spectral, which monitors the part being built, and InfiniAM Camera, which monitors the build process. The functionality now available for Renishaw Central complements the AMPM suite by enabling users to remotely monitor their machine’s performance and track the build process.

“Renishaw Central enables manufacturers to connect their machines and gain valuable real-time insights via a connected workflow,” adds Ben Diaz. “All of this data is available to view using a user-friendly graphic display, so manufacturers can easily introduce the software to their facilities along with InfiniAM Spectral and InfiniAM Camera.”

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