Bruker Alicona unveils shop-floor environmental housing for FocusX optical metrology system

Bruker Alicona has released a shop-floor environmental housing for its FocusX, which the company describes as the fastest and most versatile optical 3D measuring device in its class.
Imagine a device that measures dimension, position, shape and roughness in high resolution – with high repeatability and complete traceability – using just one optical sensor. From highly reflective surfaces to steep flanks and complex forms, the applications of FocusX are virtually limitless, where small radii, acute angles and tight tolerances pose no challenge, even in high quantities.
The FocusX is of robust design and construction, helping to overcome local vibrations, fluctuating temperatures and varying lighting conditions. Although many shop-floor environments are suitable for locating the FocusX device, certain more ‘industrial’ environments may not be. To overcome this issue, Bruker Alicona has released a shop-floor housing that will allow users to locate the system in the heart of any production area.
The main purpose of the cabinet is to control environmental conditions, ensuring accurate and traceable measurements that could otherwise see influence from dust, humidity or wide temperature variations. FocusX maintains positive pressure, helping avoid the ingress of dust or particles. All controls and user interfaces are external to the cabinet.
Bruker Alicona’s combination of FocusX and enclosure facilitates a robust inspection solution in many industries.
Avialble in the UK via Optimax Imaging & Inspection Ltd.